148 Mill District Road, Allegan MI. 49010  Phone: (269) 903-6883

Baker Allegan Studios

Baker Allegan Studios, Art Gallery, Antiques, Weaving, Spinning and Yarn Shop. New and Used Weaving Looms.

Sow Spun Silk Fiber Arts Studio

Closed: Sun, Mon, Tue.  Open: Wed - Sat 10 AM to 5 PM

& Old Mill Yarn

Loom comes with the following:

Completely Restored Loom

Completely Restored Bench

Sectional Warp Beam

10 Dent Stainless Steel Reed

1100 New Inserted Eye Heddles

40, All New Texsolv Tie-Ups

Original Crank Handle

​3 Cherry Lease Sticks

Beginners Warping Class


Fresh out of the shop, a Completely Restored, Solid Cherry Norwood Floor Loom with matching Cherry Norwood Weaving Bench. This 50" Floor Loom comes with 8 Shafts and 10 Treadles. Has the standard Sectional Warp Beam. This loom took me a year or two to complete because of the amount of work it needed and other projects jumping the line. Now that she's done, I don't know why I waited so long to finish her. She is beautiful (As most Norwoods are). Deb has warped her up and is testing her out now. We will list a price once we know everything is perfect.

Completely Restored and Tested
50" Norwood 8 Shaft/10 Treadle
w/Matching Bench